Monday, 22 July 2019

19th July – A return to the North West

19th July – A return to the North West

Back in April when I was on my Heart of Wales trip, a Branch Line Society tour popped up for available to booking of a 37 hauled tour to some freight bits & bobs in Yorkshire, it looked of interest so when travelling in the dark on the 153 I looked up options, deciding to book onto the tour and booking into a hotel near Preston station.  Later on I decided to book the Friday off work in order to revisit my remaining stations in that area (although this was before the various other trips, so would have also added as a “mop up” day if required).  A genius moment saw me thinking to use one of my Northern free tickets to get me to Windermere, for a day return to Roose (where I would break my journey at Lancaster).

The Thursday evening was spent heading to London (159106), then to Euston (51683/51684) via the Northern line, then to Stockport via Crewe on a delayed 390103 (it must just be me, but the last few times I’ve headed to Stockport/Macclesfield to head to a hotel as a base for the night, I’ve been delayed), this delay was due to signalling problems around the Rugeley area.  My hotel was the Stockport Travelodge because it is handy for the station.

I decided to head towards the Airport first thing on the Friday morning, the idea was to board the Windermere service there (better chance of a seat!), so it was to Wilmslow on 323230 where my original plan went into the bin with the appearance of a shiny 195102 sat on platform 2 working a service towards Liverpool (via Warrington), the 323 working a stopper towards Liverpool (via Chat Moss) wasn’t of interest so I headed back towards platform 2 (confusing the revenue staff in the process!) and took a seat on what I was thinking would be my first 195...

...I was behind the cab and overheard the driver talking with control because he had a fault light showing, departure time came and went, as did a single pacer on a Wigan service, in the end I decided to cut my losses and exited via the only open door and boarded a wedged out 221119 for the run to Piccadilly, yes one of those rare Cross Country services which goes via Crewe, wedged out more with the previous service from Crewe being cancelled, and featuring a lady who boarded at Stockport rolling her eyes that she had to stand.

Anyhow, due to congestion, we had overtaken that pacer from earlier so I headed over to platform 14 as 142011 rolled in, a mileage requirement which was on something like 9.9 miles, so after waiting for it to empty out (and fill back up) I took it for a leap to Oxford Road which was enough to push it over the line.  The next service was a Blackpool North bound service which was formed of low mileage 319369 so it would have been rude to turn it down (and get some speedy 319 based noise as well) for the run to Preston (the train emptied out at Salford).  Once at Preston it was a short wait for the Windermere train to arrive which was as expected formed of a new train, 195117.

Others have written about how nice these are inside, good mix of tables to airline seats (although I would have had more airline seats), good legroom (but not headroom if you are in a seat with a TV screen above your head!).  Similar hard seats as found on other modern trains, decent WiFi and a plug socket below the seat.  Excellent acceleration but they are a bit rough riding at speed (although that might be where I was sitting), this is one of those services which randomly skips Lancaster (felt odd going through non-stop in daylight on a passenger train) but waits a good 5 minute in the loop south of Oxenholme station for the previous service from Windermere to clear the platform.  I remained on board all the way to Windermere as I hadn’t been there for a few years.  After a few photos it was back on board 195117 for the run back to Kendal for a short wait for the same unit to return from Oxenholme to take me back one stop to Burneside.

A pleasant little station, with some old tracks in the station road which used to run towards a factory, random bit of railway history, and my wait wasn’t for long before 195117 returned to take me to Oxenholme, where I swapped for 350409 to take me to Lancaster which is where things went a bit wrong.

Although at the start I didn’t notice anything, the next Carlisle via the Coast unit was sat in one of the bays, but I decided to jump on the Leeds bound 150126 to Carnforth on grounds that there is a little Co-Op located just outside the station.  This is when I noticed the Carlisle train had changed to being cancelled, and some rude words might have escaped me when I returned to the station to eat lunch.  Former Scottish 156449 took me back to Lancaster, more of a time wasting move, but it proved to be an excellent move as the next Barrow in Furness train was 158795 and departed Lancaster rather full, so had I remained at Carnforth I would probably have ended up standing for the first few stops at least.  The train emptied out along the way before getting full again at Ulverston with school kids (plus some travel safe officers keeping tabs on their behaviour).  Due to the overcrowding the train lost time at most of the stations which pushed it 12 minutes late by the time it reached Roose pushing it over the magic hour (had it been on time it would only have been a 50 minute delay).

Other than some youths hanging around in the opposite waiting shelter, not a lot around this suburban Barrow station (I wonder if its usage has gone up since the barriers went in at Barrow), nearby Tesco which I used for some supplies before returning to the shelter (funny how the kids decided it was time to stop their smoking when someone else arrived to sit in the shelter).  A short while later 156486 rolled in from Carlisle to take me back to Lancaster for a cross platform change onto 390009 for the run to Preston where I headed to the hotel I was staying in (Ashwood Hotel) to check myself in and drop off some weight from the rucksack.

20 minutes later, I was back at Preston station, and waiting for the next TPE service towards Piccadilly.  350401 was the unit as I managed to get a seat (I know twice in the same day being able to get a seat on a 350/4!) for the fast-ish run towards Bolton and then a stop-start trip via Castlefield corridor.  I was originally going to get off at Piccadilly and catch a Newcastle bound service to Manchester Victoria, but due to the 350 going into platform 3 at Oxford Road, and a low mileage pacer bouncing the opposite way meant my plans changed as I boarded a lightly loaded 142035 leading 150125 for the run to Bolton.  I gave myself a few options to head back towards Manchester, the first couple wasn’t of interest, but the third was a low mileage 142040 paired with 142007 from the Darwen line.  I remained on board to Victoria, where I changed to a Leeds semi-fast service formed of 153363 & 158902, first stop Rochdale, then Todmorden where I bailed (random platform score).

It was time to give the “Northern Random DMU Generator” a good spin to see what it would throw up for a Southport – Blackburn service, it was formed of 4 coaches.  Based on experience these workings are 142, 150 & 156s, and I was hoping for a Pacer for the fast run via the Copy Pit line, but it was a pair of 156s (156441 & 156425) for the lightly loaded trip to Blackburn, where it terminated in platform 1.  I crossed over to platform 4 to board a very lightly loaded 158759 for the run to Blackpool North to investigate the state of the tram line to North station (the tracks are in leading towards the Wilkinson store, not sure if there was a temporary station further down the road, but no overhead wires in).  Back at Blackpool North station with 319371 taken for a random platform score at Kirkham & Wesham with a short linear hop with 142013 from Blackpool South to take me back to Preston for the final time of the evening, with a short walk back to the hotel to retire for the evening.

Probably not the best uses of a Lancashire Ranger, but my main mission was to clear those 3 stations to take me down to only needing a dozen.  So until Warrington West eventually opens, North West is ticked off.

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